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Matrici Progressive Di Raven Download -

Matrici Progressive Di Raven Download -

Se stai cercando un test di intelligenza non verbale che misuri il tuo pensiero astratto e la tua intelligenza fluida, potresti essere interessato alle matrici progressive di Raven. Questo test è stato creato dal Dr. John C. Raven nel 1936 ed è uno dei test più usati e validati nel campo della psicometria. Il test consiste in una serie di domande a scelta multipla in cui devi identificare il pezzo mancante che completa uno schema.

Matrici Progressive Di Raven Download -

In questo articolo, ti daremo una breve introduzione al test e ti diremo come puoi scaricarlo gratuitamente come file PDF.

Cos'è il test delle matrici progressive di Raven?

Il test delle matrici progressive di Raven è un test di intelligenza non verbale che misura la tua capacità di ragionare in modo astratto e di risolvere problemi nuovi e complessi. Il test non richiede alcuna conoscenza linguistica o culturale, quindi è equo per persone di diverse origini ed età. Il test è anche adattivo, il che significa che le domande diventano più difficili man mano che procedi.

Il test si basa sulla teoria dell'intelligenza fluida di Raymond Cattell, che sostiene che l'intelligenza fluida è la capacità di pensare logicamente e di adattarsi a situazioni nuove e impreviste. L'intelligenza fluida è diversa dall'intelligenza cristallizzata, che è la capacità di usare le conoscenze e le abilità acquisite attraverso l'educazione e l'esperienza.

Il test delle matrici progressive di Raven si compone di tre serie: A, B e C. Ogni serie contiene 12 domande in ordine crescente di difficoltà. Ogni domanda presenta una matrice con un elemento mancante in basso a destra. Devi scegliere tra sei o otto opzioni quella che completa meglio lo schema. Il tempo totale per completare il test è di circa 40 minuti.

Come scaricare il test delle matrici progressive di Raven?

Se vuoi scaricare il test delle matrici progressive di Raven gratuitamente come file PDF, puoi seguire questi passaggi:

  • Vai a questo link.

  • Clicca sul pulsante "Download" in alto a destra della pagina.

  • Inserisci il tuo indirizzo email o accedi con il tuo account social.

  • Aspetta qualche secondo fino a che il link per il download non viene generato.

  • Clicca sul pulsante "Download PDF" e salva il file sul tuo dispositivo.

Puoi anche accedere ad altre fonti del test come Wikimedia Commons o Adaface, ma potresti dover pagare una tariffa o sottoscrivere i loro servizi.


Il test delle matrici progressive di Raven è un test di intelligenza non verbale che ti aiuta a misurare il tuo pensiero astratto e la tua intelligenza fluida. Il test è semplice da usare e non richiede alcuna conoscenza linguistica o culturale. Il test è anche utile per valutare le tue capacità di risolvere problemi nuovi e complessi. Puoi scaricare il test gratuitamente come file PDF da varie fonti online. Speriamo che questo articolo ti sia stato utile e informativo.

How to prepare for the test of Raven's progressive matrices?

If you are planning to take the test of Raven's progressive matrices, you might want to prepare yourself in advance to improve your performance and score. Here are some tips and strategies that can help you prepare for the test:

  • Practice: The best way to prepare for the test is to practice as much as possible. You can find many online sources that offer free or paid practice tests of Raven's progressive matrices. You can also download the PDF file of the test from various sources online and print it out. Try to solve as many questions as you can and check your answers with the solutions provided.

  • Review: Reviewing the concepts and principles behind the test can help you understand the logic and patterns of the questions. You can review some basic topics such as geometry, symmetry, rotation, reflection, scaling, proportion, sequence, analogy, classification, etc. You can also review some tips and tricks on how to solve different types of questions such as odd-one-out, completion, transformation, etc.

  • Relax: Relaxing before and during the test can help you reduce stress and anxiety and improve your concentration and focus. You can relax by doing some breathing exercises, meditation, or listening to some soothing music. You can also avoid caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine before the test as they can affect your mood and performance.

  • Manage your time: Managing your time effectively during the test can help you answer more questions and avoid wasting time on difficult or unclear questions. You can manage your time by setting a time limit for each question and moving on to the next one if you are stuck or unsure. You can also skip or mark the questions that you find difficult or confusing and come back to them later if you have time.

What are the benefits of taking the test of Raven's progressive matrices?

Taking the test of Raven's progressive matrices can have many benefits for you personally and professionally. Here are some of them:

  • It can measure your abstract reasoning and fluid intelligence, which are important skills for solving problems, learning new things, adapting to changes, and thinking creatively.

  • It can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses in terms of non-verbal reasoning and provide feedback on how to improve them.

  • It can help you prepare for other tests or exams that require similar skills such as IQ tests, aptitude tests, entrance exams, etc.

  • It can help you enhance your confidence and self-esteem by challenging yourself and achieving your goals.

  • It can help you impress potential employers or recruiters by demonstrating your cognitive abilities and potential.


The test of Raven's progressive matrices is a non-verbal test of abstract reasoning and fluid intelligence that is widely used and recognized in various fields and domains. The test consists of a series of questions that require you to identify the missing piece that completes a pattern. The test is simple to use and fair for people of different backgrounds and ages. The test can be downloaded for free as a PDF file from various sources online. In this article, we have given you an overview of the test and its contents, and told you how to download it, prepare for it, and benefit from it. We hope you find this article helpful and informative.

How to interpret your score on the test of Raven's progressive matrices?

After taking the test of Raven's progressive matrices, you might want to know how well you did and what your score means. Your score on the test is based on the number of correct answers you gave out of the total number of questions. Your score can be converted into a percentile rank, which indicates how you performed compared to other people who took the test.

For example, if you scored 30 out of 36 questions, your percentile rank is 90, which means that you did better than 90% of the people who took the test. If you scored 18 out of 36 questions, your percentile rank is 50, which means that you did as well as the average person who took the test. If you scored 6 out of 36 questions, your percentile rank is 10, which means that you did worse than 90% of the people who took the test.

Your score on the test can also be compared to some normative data, which are statistical tables that show the average scores and ranges for different groups of people based on factors such as age, gender, education, occupation, etc. For example, according to some normative data from Raven's Manual (2000), the average score for adults aged 20-34 years is 25.5 out of 36 questions, with a range from 18 to 33. The average score for adults aged 35-49 years is 24.5 out of 36 questions, with a range from 17 to 32.

Your score on the test can also be interpreted in terms of your level of intelligence or cognitive ability. According to some classifications based on IQ scores, a score of 30 or above on the test corresponds to a very superior level of intelligence (IQ above 130), a score of 24 to 29 corresponds to a superior level of intelligence (IQ between 120 and 129), a score of 18 to 23 corresponds to a high average level of intelligence (IQ between 110 and 119), a score of 12 to 17 corresponds to an average level of intelligence (IQ between 90 and 109), a score of 6 to 11 corresponds to a low average level of intelligence (IQ between 80 and 89), and a score of below 6 corresponds to a below average level of intelligence (IQ below

However, it is important to remember that your score on the test is not a definitive measure of your intelligence or cognitive ability. Your score can be influenced by many factors such as your motivation, mood, health, fatigue, stress, anxiety, familiarity, culture, education, etc. Your score can also vary depending on the version and difficulty of the test you took. Therefore, you should not take your score too seriously or use it to judge yourself or others.

How to improve your score on the test of Raven's progressive matrices?

If you are not satisfied with your score on the test of Raven's progressive matrices, or if you want to improve your score for any reason, there are some things you can do to enhance your performance and results. Here are some tips and strategies that can help you improve your score on the test:

  • Practice more: As with any skill, practice makes perfect. The more you practice solving Raven's progressive matrices questions, the more familiar and comfortable you will become with them. You will also develop your speed, accuracy, and confidence. You can find many online sources that offer free or paid practice tests of Raven's progressive matrices. You can also download the PDF file of the test from various sources online and print it out. Try to solve as many questions as you can and check your answers with the solutions provided.

  • Review your mistakes: Reviewing your mistakes can help you learn from them and avoid repeating them in the future. You can analyze where and why you went wrong and how you can correct yourself. You can also identify your strengths and weaknesses in terms of non-verbal reasoning and focus on improving them.

  • Improve your logic and reasoning skills: Improving your logic and reasoning skills can help you solve Raven's progressive matrices questions more easily and effectively. You can improve your logic and reasoning skills by studying some basic topics such as geometry, symmetry, rotation, reflection, scaling, proportion, sequence, analogy, classification, etc. You can also improve your logic and reasoning skills by playing some games or puzzles that challenge your brain and stimulate your thinking.

  • Improve your mental health and well-being: Improving your mental health and well-being can help you perform better on any test or task. You can improve your mental health and well-being by taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. You can also improve your mental health and well-being by adopting some positive habits such as sleeping well, eating healthy, exercising regularly, meditating daily, expressing gratitude, etc.


The test of Raven's progressive matrices is a non-verbal test of abstract reasoning and fluid intelligence that is widely used and recognized in various fields and domains. The test consists of a series of questions that require you to identify the missing piece that completes a pattern. The test is simple to use and fair for people of different backgrounds and ages. The test can be downloaded for free as a PDF file from various sources online. In this article, we have given you an overview of the test and its contents, told you how to download it, prepare for it, benefit from it,



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